Archive for octobre, 2013

Pangolin posting

Pangolin traffic is hitting Africa – like ivory and rhino horn, the illegal trade in pangolin scales is largely destined for China. Check out our Giant pangolin page, where we’ve added a video from Annamiticus about pangolins. They also made an interesting graphic full of information about the trade: click here. We also posted on […]

Ivory trafficker arrested in Sibiti

An ivory trafficker was arrested in Sibiti (Lékoumou Department) thanks to information from PALF and a long-term investigation which culminated in an operation between the Gendarmerie and the Ministry of Forest Economy and Sustainable Development (MEFDD). This comes at a very difficult time as we are busy following a case in northern Congo of two […]

Awaiting trial…

A military NCO was arrested in Dolisie for illegally detaining a mandrill…until these types of people face justice, this will continue to be « normal. » We need to change this paradigm and send a strong message that wildlife crime is serious. He now faces trial – the first such trial under the jurisdiction of this particular […]

Projet d’application de la loi sur la faune sauvage